we moved into our new digs last friday/saturday and we are still getting used to it.
i would show photos of the house in all of it's glory, but unfortunately i'm lacking in the furniture department. and the internet department (i'm writing from work). about 60% of my house sits empty and echo-y and what little furniture we do have is embarrassingly QUOTE "junky" (this from andy, who did not spend one dime on the furniture we already have). we finally got a piece of real furniture (my very first!) yesterday (a dining room table) and it is making me very happy just to think about all the future meals i will be serving/enjoying there. i will take pictures and post them on here soon...i just have to buy some sort of wall art to put behind the table and the room will be complete.
it's weird going from a one bedroom apartment to a three-story house. there is no longer a three-step commute to the kitchen for a glass of water before bed; instead, you have to walk down a whole flight of stairs and all the way back up again. you better be certain that you need that glass of water before making that big of a commitment. also, the keeping the kitchen clean thing is hard to do when the kitchen is no longer the size of a shoe box. so far i am keeping up with it for the most part, but it is going to take some getting used to.
and the sleep thing. i think i'm going to blame this mostly on percy, who wakes up at about 4 am and just wants to let you know he's there. he'll sit at my feet and mew (not to be confused with meow) for a few minutes until i say something to him like "percy, please stop" and then he will be quiet for an hour or so, at which point the whole routine starts and repeats on an hourly basis until i get out of bed. in the old place we just never let him into the room with us and he very rarely woke us up. i guess we're still giving him some time to adjust to the new place before we shut him out for the night. i'm hopeful that one day i will have another uninterrupted night of sleep.
we've had two successful trash pick-ups and we're getting the hang of all the frickin' light switches. something tells me that everything is going to be just fine.
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