i was sick last week. so sick, in fact, that my christmas preparations were in real danger of never even happening. there is so little time between thanksgiving and christmas. those few weeks are critical if you want to pull off the perfect christmas. and for some reason, this year i was determined that it would be close to, if not perfect. probably a continuation of the whole buying the house and wanting it to be absolutely perfect the moment i moved in thing.
anyway, last saturday when i finally started feeling at least a little bit better, i felt so behind on everything that it was overwhelming and i almost just said screw it, i'll wait 'til next year to have a perfect christmas. i even thought that i would forgo the cookie baking thing (if you know me, you would know that i live for christmas cookie baking. this was a big deal). i have no idea what it was that lit the spark in me, but one minute i was relaxing on the nap couch and the next minute i was yanking the christmas tree box out of the storage closet. i even had andy help me bring it upstairs.
andy is somewhat of a reluctant christmas celebrator. it's not that he doesn't like christmas, it's that he doesn't like the setting up of christmas trees and the sending of christmas cards and all the work that goes into christmas. he basically complained the entire time we were setting up the tree...."why are we even bothering to do this when we're leaving [for my parents] in ten days?"..."why are you bothering to set up a tree when we have a kitten who messes with everything?" i tried telling myself that it was just him being a boy and that all the christmas preparation is part of what makes it special, dammit.
after we set up our christmas tree with colored lights, i went to town on the mantel. i was inspired by this mantel i saw at crate & barrel:
now that i've linked it i'm embarrassed to show a picture of my mantel because mine looks pretty pathetic compared to this. but what the heck. you only live once.
note: i did not leave the stockings up for long because god forbid i have anything dangling in the way of curious kittens in my house.
once i had finished my tree and my mantel, i added a wreath to our front door and voila! it was christmas.
later that evening, i was sitting downstairs on the nap couch with andy watching real housewives of BH and working on another craft project when we heard a loud crash and the scamper of little feet. we ran up the stairs and i stuck my head around the corner, then immediately tried to draw back so that andy wouldn't be able to see into the living room. despite my efforts at pushing him down the stairs, andy came up beside me and said "well, that was worth it". someone had knocked over the tree onto the hardwood floors, which shattered the ornaments i had put on that side and also broke the stand of the tree. so that was it for the short life of our 2010 christmas tree. it was fun while it lasted.
decorating the house got me in the mood for baking cookies. a post dedicated to cookie baking is coming soon.